Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I am one of those people, when winter rolls around I am sick, a lot. But I have never had anything like I have now. For the last few weeks I have been getting dizzy, I was always just hoping that it would go away but it hasn't. I am also very tired more recently. I finally called and got a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning. I am pretty nervous about what it could be. I am one of those people that keep everything to themselves, no one knows I have been feeling this way except my boyfriend. Which is probably a really bad idea but I just don't like to/know how to talk about those things. I know I definitely probably should have said something to my roommate and my parents. But what would I say? While My roommmate asks how my day went just be like, O well I feel like shit and get dizzy all the time how about you. I don't like the confrontation like that, I don't want that attention, I don't want her to be worried and talk about me to other people and I don't want to answer questions. If I don't talk about it I don't worry about it. But I did tell P after like 2 weeks of being dizzy, and he didn't really react and he goes to the doctor for everything. That also led me to my not calling the doctor as early as I should have because he didn't really seem like it was a big deal and he overreacts to sicknesses. He still doesn't seem to get that I feel like crap. I barely get to see him but when I do he asks if I am ok. I just say yes cause I am, but I look not ok because it is hard to look ok when the world is moving. It's rather frustrating. I have nooone to talk to about it because I have not really learned how to trust people with talking about things. But he is the one person that I do want to talk to about things and he seems so not worried or even thinking about that that it kind of makes me feel... I don't know... unimportant I guess. Yesterday I voiced my concern a bit. I mentioned that it may be mono, and that I hope it is. He said he hopes it is not, cause yea mono sucks. but then I would know what it was plus I have already had it for over a month if it is. I favor mono over all of the other things that it could be.. a heart condition, a thyroid condition... and lots of things I don't know about.. those are life long things not sleep it off for a few months things. He was really into it not being mono for some reason, I think he is underplaying how I feel. it is not normal for this to happen, there is something wrong and I am just hoping it is an easy fix.
O well what happens happens I guess. Wish me luck! My appointment is at 9:30 in the morning, ugh.

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